Why Am I Tired But Can’t Sleep? 6 Tips

Why Am I Tired But Can't Sleep? 6 Tips
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For some people, the ability to simply fall asleep when they feel tired is something they take for granted โ€” but seamlessly drifting off into dreamland isnโ€™t a given for everyone. Sleep issues impact thousands of people every night, but getting restful sleep doesnโ€™t have to be a fantasy.

Do you regularly feel tired but canโ€™t sleep? Are you ready to wake up feeling more well-rested? Here are six tips to start incorporating into your routine to get the sleep you deserve.ย 

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What Causes Difficulty Sleeping?

Everyone is different, and no two people experience sleep difficulties the same way. For most people, trouble falling or staying asleep (or both) can be due to a combination of factors โ€” which is why we believe itโ€™s essential to address these issues with a holistic approach at Stellar Sleep.ย 

Diet and Routine

Humans operate best with a sense of routine โ€” even those who enjoy spontaneity. Consistency is key for getting good quality sleep, and a lack of routine can make it far more challenging to get the rest your body needs to function.ย 

What you choose to put into your body and when can have an enormous impact on your overall health and sleep. Caffeine, sugar, and even water are frequent offenders, especially if you consume them too late in the evening.ย 

Stress Levels

Stress is another significant factor when it comes to your quality of sleep โ€” and both physical and mental stress can play a part. A higher stress level can flood the body with hormones, like cortisol, which can keep your mind and body on high alert. This can, of course, make going to sleep very difficult.ย 

Mental Health

In addition to stress, your mental health can also impact how well (and how much) you sleep.ย 

Those with higher anxiety levels may have more trouble falling asleep, while those dealing with depression may find themselves getting too much sleep (although it may not be high-quality sleep).

Whatโ€™s the Difference Between Feeling Tired and Sleepy?

Terminology matters, especially when it comes to dealing with poor sleep quality. Although feeling โ€œtiredโ€ and feeling โ€œsleepyโ€ may sound like theyโ€™re describing the same thing, there is an important distinction.

Feeling โ€œtiredโ€ is more of a physical feeling โ€” like how your body feels after running a marathon. Feeling โ€œsleepy,โ€ on the other hand, is the sense of drowsiness that most people have when theyโ€™re ready to head off to bed.ย 

Recognizing the difference is especially important for those with insomnia. Going to bed when you feel sleepy is important to get your body the type of rest it needs.

6 Tips To Help You Fall Asleep

Now that you have some more foundational knowledge about sleep, letโ€™s dive into six of our top tips to help you fall asleep.

1. Minimize Blue Light Exposure

Blue light is the part of the light spectrum that is visible to the naked human eye. This โ€œcolorโ€ of light has more energy and a shorter wavelength than other colors and is thought to increase the risk of eye damage, as well as negatively impact the sleep cycle.

To minimize the impact of blue light, you can invest in blue light-blocking glasses (even if you donโ€™t need prescription lenses). In addition, although most technology now comes with built-in blue light filters, avoiding technology (like your phone, tablet, or TV) for at least an hour before bedtime can help improve sleep quality.ย 

2. Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine that you can stick with is another key factor in getting better sleep. This routine should support healthy sleep habits while also priming your body to fall asleep more efficiently โ€” and stay asleep longer.ย 

Aim to give yourself time to wind down in the evenings. Whether you turn to reading, journaling, listening to music, or taking a bath, incorporating a soothing activity into your bedtime routine can make it easier to fall asleep.

Remember, it can take time to develop a routine. Be patient and stick with it, and itโ€™ll be second nature in no time.

3. Avoid Caffeine in the Afternoon

Although caffeine impacts everyone differently, itโ€™s generally best to avoid drinking it in the afternoon. Drinking caffeine, commonly found in coffee, tea, and soda, late in the day can have a significant impact on the quality of your sleep. After all, caffeine is not just a stimulant โ€” it can also function as a diuretic, waking you up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.

4. Get Sunlight in the Morning

The human body is driven by its circadian rhythm. The 24-hour cycle of our surroundings impacts when we feel awake and when we feel the need to rest, and sunlight is an important part of that rhythm.ย 

If you struggle with falling asleep at night, try to get more sunlight in the morning. Open up your curtains as soon as you get out of bed, and do your best to spend some time outdoors throughout the day. For example, taking a walk outside can help you enjoy the benefits of sunlight and physical activity, both of which may help you sleep better.

5. See a Health Professional

Although insomnia and sleep difficulties can occur due to a combination of behavioral, psychological, and environmental causes, they can also be the result of a physical health issue โ€” like sleep apnea. Seeing a health professional to rule out certain conditions is key, as they can significantly negatively impact your health if left unmanaged.ย 

6. Try Stellar Sleep

It can be tricky to understand whatโ€™s causing your sleeping troubles and what you can do about it. At Stellar Sleep, we use a science-based approach. Our clinicians are here to help you learn more about what may be keeping you up at night so that you can address those issues and get back to sleeping well.

The Bottom Line

The amount and quality of sleep you get can have a significant impact on your overall health and wellness, both in your body and mind. Instead of tossing and turning all night or laying in bed staring at the ceiling, lean on Stellar Sleep. To get started, take our free sleep quiz today.


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